ISA is a brand with a real story and about real people. It´s about herrritage, it´s about culture, it´s about passion, taking space and being a little bit to much.
But most important, it´s about being one of a kind and embracing who you are as a individual.
Isa started as a dream smaller then a needleseye. But as the culture and the love for Africa grew stronger so did the vision for this brand.
Isa is a brand that wants to show the wealth of Africa and Sweden and the strength underneath colours and clean designs and shapes.
Colourful prints combined with a clean design makes Isa wearable for anyone who wants to be at the center of the attention in a classy way.
It is important for the brand that you can dress it up or down the way you please and that theese pieces can speak for them selfes and reflect who you are as a person.
we provide pieces that are one of a kind in high quality and luxurious fabrics. You are unique and so are all theese handmade items.
Fatima Kebbeh, Fashion designer & founder of ISA